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[REBOL] Re: FAQ at REBOL Republic

From: jeff:rebol at: 13-Apr-2001 8:54

Howdy, Rod: Just some devil's advocacy:
> Reasons for XML as a data storage format: > > 1. Open standard (just the basic structure rules)
Definitely needs the qualifier. What we'll have is some massive pot of different XML definitions, protocols, etc.. so tools will be able to trudge through the stuff but not understand what they're trudging through most of the time, unless taught to. At least it makes a whole lot more work for people! :-)
> 2. Language independent.
Except when XML mutates into different languages. (-:
> 3. Tool support in many languages and environments.
The brunt seems to be with Java. Most everything else seems to me to be comparatively thin support. Does that jibe with what you see?
> 4. Better web integration options in many situations > > If you use a Rebol script or dialect for a Rebol friendly > storage format then that is the only language that works > with it. That is quite a limitation to live with > currently.
REBOL can spit out stuff that many other languages and tools grok, though. -jeff