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[ALLY] -thru functions and schemes support ...

From: petr::krenzelok::trz::cz at: 8-Sep-2000 11:47

Hi, I wnated to create script where I will download images from the web, but I need to cover space in the url and so I have to use schemes: foreach name image-names [ print ["downloading image:" name] insert tail images tmp: read/binary compose [ scheme: 'http host: "" path: {~cz337780/Pictures/Some Pictures/} target: (name)] ] The problem is, that some of the images are simply the same for week or so, but I can't get it work with read-thru, as it doesn't 1) propagate binary refinement, 2) it doesn't work with the block scheme representation ... Could read-thru and load-thru be modified in any way to accept block? -pekr-