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[REBOL] [show-popup] nothing makes sense!

From: moliad::aei::ca at: 27-Mar-2004 11:14

hi, this is a puzzle for advanced view/face/vid users out there. I am trying to use inform and/or show-popup and it seems that unless there is the word 'hide-popup in it somewhere in the vid layout block used to create the pane, the first thing I touch, makes the popup window close, even the touching the background. now, I am puzzled, because I don't get where that gets checked, set or identified. nothing in show-popup searches for hide-popup in the layout, so how can it react to that word being somewhere in the face-structure!? to make things worse, it seems that if the 'hide-popup word is is a sub pane of the layout, it is not recognized !? and also, nothing in the layout function searches for the hide-popup word... so I have NO IDEA as to where that word is being searched for or even how it gets identified. there are no insert-event-func calls either in inform or show-popup... maybe I am way off track here, but so far, that is how the problem presents itself to me. I am at a loss of how to solve this one, I'm really missing a detail here. thanks in advance! -MAx