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[REBOL] Re: newbie text-list questions

From: ingo::2b1::de at: 11-Oct-2003 18:51

Hi Kai, Carl Read wrote:
> On 11-Oct-03, Kai Peters wrote:
> button "Clear" [ > clear t/data > show t > ]
<...> One thing you should be aware of: you should only _change_the_series_, e.g. if you'd use t/data: copy [] ; ATTENTION: That's most surely not what you want the text-list would still hold on to the original series, but you would never be able to access it again ... to see what I mean, just play around with this ... view layout [ tl: text-list "1" "2" "3" button "add" [append tl/data form now show tl] button "Falsely clear" [tl/data: ["a" "b" "c"] show tl] ] Kind regards, Ingo