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[REBOL] Re: Can REBOL change HTML of a web page?

From: oliveirard::yahoo::com::br at: 29-Mar-2005 16:29

Hi Sunanda and all you guys, Thanks so much for your attention! I went to that page and got the feeling that this way I will have to set all the browsers' configuration to go through this proxy. Even if I could make this a transparent proxy, it would be a problem because I don't want a local solution. The traffic through it will be very heavy, am I right? That's why I was wondering to build something like an add-on or plug-in to a browser that users could install. Like plug-ins for acrobat reader, flash, quicktime, etc. The traffic in the HTTP requests/responses would be the same and the plug-in would make the adjustments needed. Do you know anything I can do? Any book? Any tutorial? Any web page? Thanks a lot. Rodrigo