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[REBOL] Re: Rebol > Lisp

From: tim:johnsons-web at: 12-Feb-2003 12:08

Hi Rod: * Rod Gaither <[rgaither--triad--rr--com]> [030212 11:36]:
> >It would be easier if the target language had an API > >that accomodated such an effort. > > I'm not sure what you mean by this.
/ ***** EXAMPLE ***** / make block! ; rebol make_block() // c
> >I have a project to do that entails building an > >'object-oriented' interface in Ansi C (not C++). > > If you are going to tackle such a project I would > recommend you review the design of Objective-C. > It has such a simple implementation approach > that it should be a good basis to start from.
This is specifically target project for a client. Along with meeting the goals, it's worth investigating a rebol-to-C angle, just for edification.
> > > I would ask why though - is the goal to have some > higher level design language that outputs C for > portability or is it just a learning project?
Again. Specifically targeted project for a client, but that client is a learning institution. But I did do a bid not too long ago on converting a rebol source project to "C". Also, I don't know many of the details, but one of my brothers is a Section Engineer for Motorola. He tells me that they use perl and rebol extensively for internal programming and frequently convert rebol and/o perl code to C. Perhaps imbedded programming?
> I know there are valid reasons for wanting C as the > end result but such goals always bring up questions > in my mind. Questions that typically lead me to the > opinion that a better option is being overlooked.
I'm only using C as an example here. But here is another thought - bear in mind that I am just think out loud ther - what about an imbedded programming project where the target was C or assembler? Wouldn't it be nice to write it in rebol, than automagically convert it to C or ASM. God! What a pipe dream! [recovering ASM programmer here]
> There is however a lot of value in identifying the > higher level design language ( Dialect :-) ) that will > address the problem space no matter what the > final solution is. > > >My approach to this would be bearing in mind that > >I might want to auto-convert from one language to > >another. > > This is an oft sought after, and very elusive goal. It is this > goal, from a different angle - interoperability rather than > generation, that makes Microsoft's CLI/CLR technology > interesting.
I program primarily in REBOL these days, but I would not be serving myself well, (or my clients) if I focused on all-rebol-all-the-time. Dare I mention it :-), but we don't even know if rebol will persist as a programming language or as a business entity. I mean, have to tell my clients that I won't be around forever, right? :-)
> I couldn't find a really good link to CLI/CLR specifics in > my two minute google searches. I would appreciate it > it anyone has a nice definitive resource on the topic. > > Here is a fluffy starter piece for those interested. > > > > >But one has to have means, method, AND motivation. > > :-)
And thanks for the links Rod! -- Tim Johnson <[tim--johnsons-web--com]>