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[REBOL] Re: rebol 2.5 does not launch...

From: soapdog:mac at: 27-Mar-2001 21:41

> Out of curiosity, do you also have the /View beta? On Windows, on 3 > occasions after inadvertantly locking up /View, then neither /View
nor /Core
> (2.3 and 2.4) would start-up (they all would just briefly flash on
> screen and disappear). Ultimately, the only way I could get
anything to
> work was to manually remove REBOL entries in the registry. then do a
> reinstall of REBOL/View. I guess Mac doesn't have an equivalent of
> Registry (to their credit :-), but I assume it has some method of > associating executable file-types to the executable program. Just > hypothesizing out loud.... > > --Scott Jones
theres no /View for the macOS, RT never released any beta of /View for the MacOS... But it's the same problem it flashes than goes to neverland. There are ways in MacOS to create persistent data like the registry, but not a registry, i might be someting inside system folder... i do not know... well, i guess i will continue to use AppleScript till RT provide me with some working thing. Andre