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[REBOL] Re: the utility of 'bind

From: tim:johnsons-web at: 21-Jan-2004 12:00

* Andreas Bolka <[andreas--bolka--gmx--net]> [040121 09:06]:
> > I will spare you my thoughts about REBOL's contexts and 'bind (for > now) but I have a practical question: > > What is the utility of 'bind? No, I don't necessarily mean the typical > cases where bind is needed to prevent errors. What I'm really thinking > about are situations, where REBOL's behaviour regarding contexts and > bind is actually contributing towards an elegant solution for a real > problem. > > I think I remember various parse-based solutions posted to the list, > that utilized bind. This is basically a question to those who > understand _and_ use 'bind to actually solve problems: What do you use > it for? Do you think REBOL's behaviour in those regards is practical? > Are you aware of elegant solutions based on 'bind?
Although there are python-esque ways of doing things and rebol-esque ways of doing things, I find the two languages inform me of further possibilites. Every python object has a built-in method called __dict__ (as far as I know). If you pass to a python object a series of keywords, you can validate such keywords against __dict__ A rough comparison would be a rebol subroutine like this: __dict__: does[next first self] and if one had an object method - called 'set for instance. that looked like this: set: func[arg[block!]][do bind arg 'self ] a validation routine within the context could then test for the previous existance of a word using self/__dict__ ; untested code! context.....[ validate: func[args[block!] /local keywords][ keywords: self/__dict__ foreach [arg value] args[ if not find keywords arg[ throw-an-error ] ] ] ] and one could have an object-creation routine that would guarantee that an object be created with certain builtin methods, such as those above. ***************************** * Who says rebol ain't OOP! * *****************************
> that utilized bind. This is basically a question to those who > understand _and_ use 'bind to actually solve problems: What do you use
Now, to put my money where my mouth is, I need to implement this! tj -- Tim Johnson <[tim--johnsons-web--com]><