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[REBOL] Re: bit shifts

From: hallvard:ystad:helpinhand at: 20-Sep-2001 13:16

>> stats rebol
You are not a member of list 'rebol' ... strange, since I didn't unsubscribe... Anyway, I posted something earlier today, here goes again: Gregg Irwin skrev (Tuesday 11.09.2001, kl. 23.31):
>If you're working with numeric values you can multiply or divide, by >powers >of two. >For example (please correct any misinformation REBOLers!): > > shl: to-integer (value * (2 ** shift-count)) > shr: to-integer (value / (2 ** shift-count))
Well, this mostly works, but wheras the integer value 1 right-shifted becomes 0, the same value divided by 2 becomes 0,5. Even if one should round the value (how do we do so in rebol, by the way?), it would become 1, not 0. So I think it's better to shift "à proprement dire". Your other routines seem to work, but only partially, I'm afraid. It seems rebol has great problems with the debase function... But thanks anyway. ~H