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[REBOL] Re: Re licence.key for SDK

From: idsrini:gmai:l at: 22-May-2008 13:12

Hi Gregg, Could you please set me up with an ALTME account on the main REBOL world...That would be great.... Also, I'm facing a problem with the free /Pro version. I downloaded the sdk zip file, and ran the file "rebpro.exe" and it asked for a licence key. ***************** REBOL/Pro (14-Mar-2008) Copyright 2008 REBOL Technologies REBOL is a Trademark of REBOL Technologies All rights reserved. *** License key is missing. Special features are not available. *** Please put your license.key file in the correct directory. Script: "User Preferences" (21-May-2008/21:42:56+5:30) Set-Net not provided. ** Script Error: set-user-name has no value ** Near: set-user-name "A Rebol" if (not none? system/view) [ system/view/screen-face/options: none ]
*************** Am I doing something wrong ? Or do I have to buy the /Pro version and it is no longer free. If it is free, could you please direct me to the appropriate download page.... Thanks once again.... Regards, Srini On 22/05/2008, Gregg Irwin <> wrote: