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[REBOL] Re: IOS Developer Server and eScribe?

From: greggirwin::mindspring::com at: 22-Oct-2002 15:13

Hi Brock, << 1. To get the useful code segments and questions and answers discussed in the IOS semi-private forum. Do any users of both resources also think this would be desirable or even doable? >> While that could be useful in some cases, you would have to make it a manual process and get clearance before publicizing anything. I know there are things that *I* post to IOS that I intentionally don't post to the ML or the script library, and I know there are things that RT brings up there that they don't post here. Graham Chiu actually did a little thing that imported ML messages to Conference but this ML is fairly active sometimes, and it didn't seem to fit well with Conference. Also, if there were a direct link between the two, the volume would skyrocket because the IM approach naturally leads to a much more fine-grained, interactive style of messaging. Rather than an IOS reblet, I've thought about a special-purpose "Mail List" email client. Let it poll an email address you use just for mailing lists and use it's own file/mailbox/database system. Give it those features that you really want for managing ML messages (don't treat "RE:"+<subject> as separate thread from <subject>, thread management and archiving, bookmarking, auto-filtering rules based on source address, etc). Basically a newsgroup reader for POMLs (Plain Old Mailing Lists). --Gregg