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[REBOL] Re: SMTP sniffer?

From: edanaii:cox at: 25-Nov-2002 21:06

Ingo Hohmann wrote:
> Hi Ed, > > Yeahh, now I remember ... didn't make the connection then, I haven't > trusted it with real email so far. Anyway creating a mail relay out of > it shouldn't be that hard: > > First remove everything pop3 related: > - pop3 > - pop3dialog > - recieve > - the pop3block in dispatch > > What's left is much easier to understand, I gues. Now it depends on > what you need it for: > > 1) if it's mostly for getting your mail away, you could change the > save-mail function to a) send a new email. (Or b) save it for later > sending.) > 2) If you want to understand more about smtp, the smtp-rule gives you an > overview on how an smtp connection works. > > Mind you, I'm no smtp expert either, I just started with reading a > short overview, and then tweaked it until it seemed to work ;-)
Maybe not, but you've got a better clue than I do. :)
> If you tell me what road you want to head down, I might do it when I > have a little time over.
Thanks for the tips, Ingo! :) I'll try 'em when I get a second. -- Sincerely, | What a piece of work is man! How noble in reason! Ed Dana | How infinite in faculties! In form and moving, how Software Developer | express and admirable! In action, how like an 1Ghz Athlon Amiga | angel! In apprehension, how like a god! | -- William Shakespeare, Hamlet Act II Sc ii