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[ALLY] Re: Re(2) REBOL 2.5 Released - WinCE REBOL_HOME suggestion

From: mike_riley_:hotm:ail at: 4-Apr-2001 4:22

Thanks for the prompt reply, Holger. I do appreciate your efforts, and your response has renewed my faith in the company's support of this platform. With regards to your home directory comment, REBOL running on my iPaq always shows the "home" directory as the root "\" location, regardless of where the rebol.exe file resides. In the meantime, I have placed my REBOL scripts in the root directory and renamed them with single character file names to minimize the amount of pecking, er, typing on the Pocket PC's QWERTY virtual keyboard (it's truly a pain, since a) the virtual keyboard overlay covers up the cursor, making it impossible to verify what you're typing unless you remove the virtual keyboard from view, and b) the need to peck the SHIFT key to enter a % adds yet another keystroke and more room for error). Also, will there be any support for copy/cut/paste in the PPC REBOL window? I discovered the lack of this capability during a failed attempt to copy/paste a statement into editor in a feeble attempt to circumvent the statement typing quandary. I think the PPC platform is a great environment for REBOL, since REBOL's powerful exe is small enough for the platform and nimble enough to execute a substantial amount of code quickly. I have tried both PersonalJava (too bulky and slow) and a port of Perl 5.6 (too kludgy and, by the time useful WWW Perl libraries were added, bulked the distro beyond 2.5M), and have found REBOL to be the best scripting alternative, albeit not yet ideal. If the nagging issues can be resolved, REBOL could potentially become a predominant scripting language on this platform, and that is why I am making such a stew about my customer support experience. I hope that in the future there isn't a need to use DEFCON 1-type language again to pry for a positive response. Of course, if there is an alternate forum to use for these issues (a helpful REBOL'er suggested that I use [feedback--rebol--com] instead), I would be happy to follow that recommendation as well. Please do your best at making REBOL as compelling on the WinCE platform as it is on the Win32, Linux, Solaris, and other "mainstream" OS's. I will be more than willing to offer whatever feedback I can to help you obtain that goal. Regards, Mike Riley