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[REBOL] Re: [ml] Where are all these =20 end of line characters coming fr...

From: gchiu:compkarori at: 17-Aug-2004 20:45

[SunandaDH--aol--com] wrote.. apparently on 17-Aug-2004/2:02:43
>Ashley: > >> I just *love* this new list mail server! > >I don't know if it *is* the new mail server, but as soon as it opened for >business, I noticed a huge increase in entries reaching the ML archive that were >infested with and = and such codes. > >We tweaked the ML archive clean-up code to make them more readable, which is >why you'll seldom see the problem if you read the ML via the archive: >
RebolML always does a decode quoted-printable on all mail coming through (using Brett's code), so I never saw this problem. I think as has been said, that it is the list server that is the cause, changing quoted printable to plain text and not decoding as it should. To test this I am sending this very long line in plain text encoding, with no special character set specified, and I shall be interested to see what happens to the header when it gets back to me. -- Graham Chiu