[REBOL] Curious output on console
From: tmoeller:fastmail:fm at: 2-Nov-2006 14:22
Hi all,
i need some help with a function i wrote. I use this function in another
script to scan the content of a file-library.
This is the simplified version of the function producing the same
get_progdest: func [] [
pa: %/c/rebol/streamlibrary/html/
dest: []
prog: []
counter: 0
foreach line read/lines pa [
counter: counter + 1
print rejoin ["Files parsed " counter " : " line ]
b: read/lines to-file join "html/" line
foreach l2 b [
res: parse/all l2 " "
if all [not find l2 "d:\dwh" not find l2 "rem" not find l2 "echo" not find l2 "db2cmd"
not find l2 "<p>" not find l2 "run task for"][
foreach ln res [
if any [find ln ".js"
find ln ".vbs"
find ln "\\"
find ln ".cmd"
find ln "psexec"
find ln "net use"
find ln "ftp "
find ln "psftp"
=20 =20=20
print ln
These are the last lines of the output:
Files parsed 847 : programs.html
What i am wondering about are the last three lines. I don't really know
where they come from. It is not part of the content.
Can anybody explain this?? I use Rebol on Windows XP SP2
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