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[REBOL] Curious output on console

From: tmoeller:fastmail:fm at: 2-Nov-2006 14:22

Hi all, i need some help with a function i wrote. I use this function in another script to scan the content of a file-library. This is the simplified version of the function producing the same output: Rebol[] get_progdest: func [] [ pa: %/c/rebol/streamlibrary/html/ dest: [] prog: [] counter: 0 foreach line read/lines pa [ counter: counter + 1 print rejoin ["Files parsed " counter " : " line ] b: read/lines to-file join "html/" line foreach l2 b [ res: parse/all l2 " " if all [not find l2 "d:\dwh" not find l2 "rem" not find l2 "echo" not find l2 "db2cmd" not find l2 "<p>" not find l2 "run task for"][ foreach ln res [ if any [find ln ".js" find ln ".vbs" find ln "\\" find ln ".cmd" find ln "psexec" find ln "net use" find ln "ftp " find ln "psftp" ] [ =20 =20=20 print ln ] ] ] ] ] ] get_progdest halt These are the last lines of the output: Files parsed 847 : programs.html <li>Infobase_Sched.cmd</li> <li>ftp.vbs</li> <li>AgenturID.vbs</li> <li>bereinigen.vbs</li> <li>aktion.vbs</li> <li>SAPKOST.vbs</li> <li>ftp_apix.vbs</li> <li>KM_03.cmd</li> <li>incentiveExtrakt.vbs</li> <li>user.vbs</li> <li>Infobase_Sched_dbadmin.cmd</li> <li>Konsistenzcheck.vbs</li> <li>N01PMF01.CMD</li> <li>N01PMF02.CMD</li> K=D5=E4`=AA?=13\=E6=A9=E2=84=D1uK=17yRm2=FC=F9i2=B0*=8F=DB=91=D8=FFJ=F8=C3X=FD=A5=F5=9F=8B_=01=BCy=E1=FF=14X=C5=06=B5e=04n=B7=16=F1=18=D6T=F3T|=CB=92=03}8=F6=AD=BF=81=BA=ED=D5=DF=EC=BD3\N=D2=1B=0B=E0=96 =9F=B8=06N=05pck=BAT]H=EF=1B?=C5]|=D5=D1=D3=87j=ADUM=AD=1A>=AF =D3=FE'=F8{R=D4%=B1=8E=F4Gs=10bRQ=B7;z=E2=8F=06=F8=96_=15\]=DDF6=D9=A3l=19=F5=EC?.=BE=F5=F2=B4=BA=8AZx=8A=D2=F4ZB=D7=DA=84S=AC=B7%=7Fy=C2g=ADO=F1=03=E3=96=AF=F0=A7=C2=9E=12=D3<7=AE=DBZ=EA=B7=F6=ADwqe=F6=01s3nc=B5=F2=C4*=8F=95=B8=EB=C5|=EF=0F=E6=F53x{Z=8F=E1O=A5 =AE=DC=A5=15=A5=DE=CA==F5=B9=EAfXX`]=97_;=F4O=CB{=FE=07=D9=D4W=C5=DF=02?lO=15k=FF=10G=85|_=1D=AD=CA=DC=86[{=A8=AD=C42=A4=80d=06
What i am wondering about are the last three lines. I don't really know where they come from. It is not part of the content. Can anybody explain this?? I use Rebol on Windows XP SP2 Cheers Thorsten -- - mmm... Fastmail...