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[REBOL] Form dialect

From: al::bri::xtra::co::nz at: 18-Aug-2002 11:34

Andreas Bolka wrote:
> Any chance to have a look at the current state of the form manipulation
dialect :) ? Currently, I'm still very unhappy with it. It really should link directly to the database; there's too many intermediate forms. It also doesn't handle the round trip between showing the user the form and getting the results back from a submitted form. #! C:\Rebol\Core\rebol.exe -cs [ Rebol [ Name: 'Forms Title: "Forms" File: %Forms.r Author: "Andrew Martin" eMail: [Al--Bri--xtra--co--nz] Web: Date: 8/July/2002 Version: 1.0.0 Purpose: {Forms is a dialect for HTML forms.} Category: [util 1] ] Remote: %/c/Xitami/cgi-bin/ if Remote <> what-dir [ write join Remote Rebol/script/header/File read Rebol/script/header/File ] if not value? 'Values [ do %/C/Rebol/Values/Values.r ] if none? Rebol/options/cgi/script-name [ browse http://localhost/cgi-bin/Forms.r quit ] CGI: make object! [ Post?: "POST" = Rebol/options/cgi/request-method Get?: "GET" = Rebol/options/cgi/request-method Script-File: to-file Rebol/options/cgi/script-name Script-URL: join make url! compose [ http (join Rebol/options/cgi/server-name Rebol/options/cgi/script-name) ] #"?" Query: Rebol/options/cgi/query-string all [ string? Query Query: dehex replace/all copy Query #"+" #" " ] ] [ ; datatype! decimal! integer! binary! block! ; Maybe? email! file! issue! paren! ; Maybe? path! ; Maybe? string! ; Default for text fields. tag! url! character! date! logic! money! none! ; Maybe? pair! time! tuple! word! ; Maybe? ] Forms: function [ Rebol_Forms [block!] Instance [object!] ] [ Block Form_Element Get_Value Label Name Value Size Choices ] [ Block: make block! 1000 Form_Element: func [Label [string!] ML [block!]] [ append Block compose/deep [ label [ span/class "Label" (join Label ": ") (ML) ] ] ] Form_Element "Test" compose/deep [ input/id/type/datatype "test" "text" string! ] Get_Value: does [ get in Instance to-word Name ] parse Rebol_Forms [ any [ 'Logic set Label string! set Name refinement! ( Form_Element Label compose either Get_Value [ [ input/type/name/checked "checkbox" (to-string Name) checked ] ] [ [ input/type/name "checkbox" (to-string Name) ] ] ) | 'Field set Label string! set Name refinement! set Size integer! ( Form_Element Label compose [ input/type/name/size/value "text" (to-string Name) (Size) (any [Get_Value ""]) ] ) | 'Integer set Label string! set Name refinement! ( Form_Element Label compose [ input/type/name/size/datatype/value "text" (to-string Name) 8 integer! (any [Get_Value ""]) ] ) | 'Secret set Label string! set Name refinement! set Size integer! ( Form_Element Label compose [ input/type/name/size "password" (to-string Name) (Size) ] ) | 'Area set Label string! set Name refinement! set Size pair! ( Form_Element Label compose [ textarea/name/wrap/cols/rows (to-string Name) "virtual" (Size/X) (Size/Y) (any [Get_Value ""]) ] ) | 'SelectOne set Label string! set Name refinement! set Choices block! ( Form_Element Label compose/deep [ select/name (to-string Name) [ ( use [Block Selected] [ Selected: Get_Value Block: make block! 20 foreach [Value Label] Choices [ append Block compose either Value Selected [ [option/value/selected (Value) selected (Label)] ] [ [option/value (Value) (Label)] ] ] ] ) ] ] ) | 'Output set Label string! set Name refinement! ( Form_Element Label compose [(any [Get_Value ""])] ) | 'Submit set Label string! ( append Block compose/deep [ label [ span/class "Label" "" input/type/value "submit" (Label) ] ] ) | 'Date set Label string! set Name refinement! ( use [Date Block] [ Date: any [Get_Value now] Form_Element Label compose/deep [ select/name (join to-string Name "/Day") [ ( Block: make block! 31 * 3 + 1 repeat Day 31 [ append Block compose either Day Date/Day [ [option/value/selected (Day) selected (Day)] ] [ [option/value (Day) (Day)] ] ] ) ] select/name (join to-string Name "/Month") [ ( Block: make block! 12 * 3 + 1 repeat Month 12 [ append Block compose either Month Date/Month [ [ option/value/selected (Month) selected (pick system/locale/months Month) ] ] [ [ option/value (Month) (pick system/locale/months Month) ] ] ] ) ] select/name (join to-string Name "/Year") [ ( Block: make block! 100 * 3 * 2 + 4 for Year -100 + Date/Year 100 + Date/Year 1 [ append Block compose either Year Date/Year [ [option/value/selected (Year) selected (Year)] ] [ [option/value (Year) (Year)] ] ] ) ] ] ] ) ] end ] Block ] X: Forms [ Logic "Truth?" /Truth Logic "Falsey?" /Falsey Field "Line" /Line 10 Secret "Password" /Password 10 Area "Paragraphs" /Paragraphs 40x4 SelectOne "Gender" /Gender [ #"F" "Female" #"M" "Male" ] SelectOne "Relationship" /Relationship [ #"F" "Father" #"G" "Guardian" #"M" "Mother" ] SelectOne "Invoices?" /Invoices? [ #"N" "No" #"Y" "Yes" ] Date "Birth" /DoB Output "Age" /Age Integer "Number" /Number Output "Total" /Total Submit "Enter" ] make object! [ Truth: true Falsey: false Line: "string!" Password: none Paragraphs: trim {A long line of text, that is several lines long. It has several lines indeed! And here's another!} Gender: #"F" Relationship: #"M" Invoices?: #"Y" DoB: 25/10/1960 Age: has [YMD] [ YMD: system/words/Age now DoB rejoin [ YMD/Years " years, " YMD/Months " months, " YMD/Days " days." ] ] Number: 123456 Total: $123.45 ] content-type text/html print ML compose/deep [ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0 plus SVG 1.1//EN" ""> html [ title "Test" link/rel/type/href "stylesheet" "text/css" %/Pupils.css ] body [ h1 "Forms Demo!" form/name/method/action "RebolForms" "POST" (CGI/Script-File) [ (X) ] script/language "JavaScript" { alert (document.RebolForms.test.getAttribute("datatype")); alert (document.RebolForms.Number.getAttribute("datatype")); alert (document.RebolForms.Number.type); } ] ] ] Andrew Martin ICQ: 26227169