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[REBOL] in this case, prin manages to print a newline. please explain

From: terrence_brannon::instinet::com at: 13-Sep-2000 15:54

I am trying to understand the Alien Dialect example and ran a part of it and for some reason prin was generating text with newlines in it. If you only run this part: make integer! 4 ** 3 == 64
>> loop-size: make integer! 4 ** 3; example of bad characters
== 64
>> divide-text: func [] [ loop loop-size [ print make char! (7 * 6) ] ] >> divide-text print "^/"
This prints asterisks but with newlines Two questions: 1- why does the source code say "example of bad characters" after the definition of the loop-size word? 2- i interpreted the line divide-text print "^/" as: call divide-text (which prints 64 non-newline-separated *) then call print "^/" but evidently the print is being called 64 times along with divide-text somehow. <<Disclaimer>> This message is intended only for the use of the Addressee and may contain information that is PRIVILEGED and/or CONFIDENTIAL or both. This email is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the recipient(s) named above. If the reader of this email is not an intended recipient, you have received this email in error and any review, dissemination, distribution or copying is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately by return email and permanently delete the copy you received. Thank you.