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[REBOL] Re: It's NOT Free.. (was) Re: Re: The future of Rebol - achieving crit

From: gjones05:mail:orion at: 21-May-2001 17:26

From: "Joanna Kurki"
> Looks like that new license was kind a big suprise to many list
readers. Yes, you are right.
> I'm happy I found about these new restrictions before I spend more
time to
> learn this and trying to get it used on our system. (Although I
> ordered copy of 'Rebol for Dummies' book that I have not yet > received.. Perhaps I use this language on home sometime..)
Yes, you are right, again.
> PS2: I'm not against payments or licenses etc.. But I'm against
> the rules on the way.. I understand Rebol people needs to make money
> selling Rebol but IMHO you are taking quite a big risk here...
Yes, you are (shall I say it again, yes, I will) right, again. Joanna, have I mentioned that you are right, recently? Thanks for brining this issue to light, as I believe there are many surprised list members at this junture. --Scott Jones