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[REBOL] [ core ] /local refinement not cleared?!

From: rebolinth:nodep:dds:nl at: 3-Apr-2002 23:26

Hello All, Im doing a simple test on the rebol/core On the core-shell prompt i do :>
>>tst: ""
== ""
== ""
>>tst: ""
== ""
>>loop 5 [ insert tst " A " ]
== " A A A A "
== " A A A A A "
>>tst: ""
== ""
== ""
As you can see above, the tst string is cleared after a tst: "" at the end. Well now? When im trying to do the same thing but then inside a function and using the /local refinement inside the function, Im not able to get the string :tester cleared.. see below :>
>>testing: func [ test-size [ integer! ]
[ /local tester [ ] [ [ tester: "" [ loop test-size [ insert tester " A " ] [ tester [ ]
>> >>testing 5
== " A A A A A "
>>testing 5
== " A A A A A A A A A A "
>>testing 5
== " A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A " I would expect, because of tester: "", that everytime the function gets executed and the /local tester is set to "" by tester: "" ..which it does not??..or sould it again be me ;-) Shoot me please ;-) Any help is welcome.. (R)egards, Norman.