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[REBOL] Re: The truth about scope

From: Izkata:Comcast at: 13-Apr-2005 18:57

> Another example that may clarify it more: > >>> b: [bla: []] > == [bla: []] >>> b2: second b > == [] >>> insert b2 "hello" > == [] >>> b > == [bla: ["hello"]] > > This doesn't surprise you, does it? > >>> f: func [] [bla: []] >>> b2: second second :f > == [] >>> insert b2 "hello" > == [] >>> source f > f: func [][bla: ["hello"]] > > This is basically the same as above, so if you are surprised just > stop thinking about it for a second. :) > >>> f: func [x] [bla: [] append bla x] >>> f "hello" > == ["hello"] >>> source f > f: func [x][bla: ["hello"] append bla x]
Ah! That reminds me of something I have been experimenting with... Quick example:
>> Data: [4 7 2 9]
== [4 7 2 9]
>> New: rejoin [
[ {Here's the data:} newline [ foreach TMP Data [append {} join TMP { }] [ newline newline [ {Here's the data * 5:} newline [ foreach TMP Data [append {} join TMP * 5 { }] [ ] == {Here's the data: 4 7 2 9 Here's the data * 5: 20 35 10 45 }