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[REBOL] Re: rebol browser???

From: ryanc::iesco-dms::com at: 27-Mar-2002 11:24

I was looking into it at one time. Just goofing around one night I scribbled this up: Taking it for a test drive might enlighten you on some of the many issues a browser faces these days. If I was to make a real one, I would approach it first by creating the Document Object Model. I would create a dialect that manipulates and renders the DOM, and parses HTML. The rest is made up by contributers who make small adjustments and advancements to the HTML parser using the DOM maniputlation dialect. I make it sound easy, but its actually a very difficult project. You also must consider that most sites on the internet are not sympathetic to non javascript/flash/CSS/frames browsers. --Ryan [Izkata--aol--com] wrote:
> Has anyone made an actual rebol browser? > If not, I think I have an idea. Ever seen that > file viewer, the one where you can't edit the words? > Maybe, if that's combined with Websplit.r, > and some way for buttons to represent hyperlinks, > rebol would have it's own browser. > > I'm working on something like that, but I don't > know how to make scrollbars. Can anyone help? > > Daniel S. > > -- > To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to > [rebol-request--rebol--com] with "unsubscribe" in the > subject, without the quotes.
-- Note: When sending me email directly, always make sure to include my name in the message, otherwise my aggressive spam filters may trash it.