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[REBOL] Re: Object viewer

From: gjones05:mail:orion at: 16-Feb-2001 13:09

From: Volker Nitsch
> [rebol [title: "scroll-area with slider"] > context [ > s: ta: sv: none > ;---some data > s: for i 1 130 1 [ > insert "" rejoin [i newline]] > view layout [ > across > ta: area 140x480 s > sv: slider 16x480 [ > scroll-para ta sv] > ] > ] > ] > > Volker
Thanks, Volker, this was exactly what I was looking for earlier today. After seeing your example, I realized that this method was used in many of the built-in dialogs in the source. I just didn't realize what I was looking at. More as an exercise than a necessity, I adapted this approach to Jeff's object viewer (feature creep alert :-). I also widened the dialogs so that it could accommodate the width of some items without needing to scroll horizontally. Jeff used some really neat methods in allowing the creation of multiple pop-ups. I hope I didn't introduce any new problems like yesterday. Still has a bug in my Win98 /View when I click on the view object (I can't figure it out yet). REBOL [ Title: "Object as Tree" Author: "Jeff Kreis" Email: [jeff--rebol--com] Date: 15-Feb-2001 Purpose: "View an object in tree view" Comment: "Works with any object" History: [ 0.1.0 [15-Feb-2001 {Script created and placed on list} "Jeff Kreis"] 0.1.1 [16-Feb-2001 {Suggested change to scrollable areas, changed size of pop-up to accommodate width without need to scroll, reordered header history to standard. ?? Bug when click on view and a few others. Changes suggested by Allen K. not currently included herein} "G Scott Jones, M.D."] ] ] view-obj: func [ 'objw "A word that refers to an object" /local obj data this-parent this-val this-word expanded? this-depth val new-val ][ if not object? obj: get objw [make error! "View-obj views objects"] data: make block! 300 ;- this-parent this-val this-word expanded? depth repend data [none obj objw off 0] cnt: 0 view/offset this-tree: layout [ backdrop 90.90.240 h2 yellow (reform ["Object Viewer:" objw]) across space 0 lst: list 500x430 [ txt 500 [ ;-- First find parent and from there ; find this thing val: pick face/user-data 2 this-spot: find data face/user-data/1 this-spot: skip find next this-spot :val -2 set [this-parent this-val this-word expanded? this-depth] this-spot either expanded? [ ;-- Remove stuff that has me as a parent spot: skip find/last data :this-val 5 remove/part skip this-spot 5 spot change at this-spot 4 off ][ either object? :this-val [ ;-- Add my stuff to data below me spot: skip this-spot 5 new-data: make block! 50 foreach word next first this-val [ if unset? set/any 'val get/any in this-val word [val: unset!] repend new-data [this-val :val word off this-depth + 1] ] insert spot new-data change at this-spot 4 on ;- Expanded? ][ ;-- Edit my value this-lay: layout [ backdrop 90.90.240 h2 yellow (reform ["Value of:" this-word]) across this-area: area 500x300 (mold :this-val) this-slider: slider 16x300 return across txt yellow "do?" do-check: check off this-set: button "set" this-close: button "close" ] ;- Use compose to stick the values in ; there so there can be more than ; one of these windows open and each ; button action will refer to its ; own instance values. this-set/action: compose [ set this-val: in (this-parent) (to-lit-word this-word) new-val: load (this-area/text) if get in (do-check) 'data [new-val: set this-val do new-val] change/only at (reduce [this-spot]) 2 :new-val unview/only (this-lay) ] ;added slider control for pop-up area, and its action defined as follows this-slider/action: compose [scroll-para (this-area) (this-slider)] this-close/action: compose [unview/only (this-lay)] center-face this-lay view/new this-lay ] ] show lst ] ] supply [ ;-- Set up each face of the ; iterated pane based on what's in data face/text: none face/font/color: black count: count + cnt face/color: either even? count [200.200.200][ivory] if tail? spot: skip data ((count - 1) * 5) [return none] face/user-data: reduce [spot/1 spot/3] this-val: pick spot 2 face/text: head insert/dup reform [ either object? :this-val [ either spot/4 ["--"]["+-"] ][#] spot/3 ] " " spot/5 ] sld: slider 16x430 [ c: to-integer value * ((length? data) / 5) if c <> cnt [cnt: c show lst] ] return button "quit" [quit] ] 150x50 ] view-obj system