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[REBOL] key event

From: hijim::pronet::net at: 8-Jul-2002 18:10

It turns out that remove system/view/screen-face/feel/event-funcs messes up request-file. Is there a way to keep get the caret positiopn whenever any key is pressed? I used the following to get the caret position when I press Escape. key #"^[" [pos: copy system/view/caret] I can then make a button with this code: but "z" [ focus my-area system/view/caret: find my-area/text pos put "Z" 1 ] Now I can reclaim focus and the caret position when I click the button. The put function is: put: func [str num][ if my-area <> system/view/focal-face [return] if not system/view/caret [return] insert system/view/caret str system/view/caret: skip system/view/caret num show my-area ] How can I get [ pos: copy system/view/caret ] to engage whenever any key is pressed? Is there a way? Thanks, Jim