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[REBOL] Re: zip file support wanted - help needed

From: jkinraid:clear at: 14-Mar-2001 21:12

Hi Pekr,
> today I talked to Carl at Express conference. We talked about > possibility of adding .zip support to Rebol. Few ppl requested the > feature some time ago, and I can personally find it usefull. WinAmp for > e.g. uses .zip files for skins too, it even doesn't unpack them on hd. I > surely don't know Rebol internals, but maybe it could work as a scheme? > e.g.:
Doesn't WinAmp unpack them to your Windows temp dir?
> write %rebol.exe read zip:///c/rebol/download/ > > Rebol currently has some kind of compression/decompression available. > Carl agreed to support requested feature, but RT lacks enough manpower > to handle all tasks they need to do. So - is here anyone who knows C > well, and would like to code it for RT? Or at least - are there any > sources available to study, or even complete open source solutions (of > course, with licence allowing RT to add it into Rebol)? Uses a BSD based license. Julian Kinraid