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[REBOL] Re: Perl is to stupid to understand this 1 liner.

From: rpgwriter::yahoo at: 14-Dec-2001 10:17

--- Joel Neely <[joel--neely--fedex--com]> wrote:
> Hi, Doug, > > "Vos, Doug" wrote: > > > ... > > try this at the prompt. - Test for leap year > > >> 29-Feb-1999 > > ** Syntax Error: Invalid date -- 29-Feb-1999 > > ** Near: (line 1) 29-Feb-1999 > > > > However there is a leap year in 2000, > > so rebol knows right away what you mean... > > > > >> 29-Feb-2000 > > == 29-Feb-2000 > > > > >> Can perl do that? > > == NO > > > > I respectfully suggest that you do NOT want to open > that door. > > The only valid way I know of to use "one-liners" in > comparing > languages would be to consider: > > 1) The range of one-liners in language A and > language B. > 2) The actual utility of EACH such one-liner in > each language. > 3) The effort required to learn them. > > Items 1 and 2 give the credit side of the ledger, > while item 3 > is the debit side. Net ROI (return-on-investment) > is the balance > between the two. Note that item 2 includes both > "How often would > I use this one-liner?" and "Would learning this > one-liner prepare > me to create other useful one-liners?" > > One-liners often encourage (or at least demonstrate) > techniques > which may not have wide application, and may be more > biased to > compactness than readability and reusability. > That's not always > bad, but it means that one-liners may have little to > do with the > way a professional programmer will write significant > pieces of > code in the language in question. > > Feature count is by no means the only (nor most > useful) measure of > a language; if it were, REBOL would come out on the > short end of > *many* comparisons. REBOL is a flexible and compact > scripting > language designed primarily for "programming in the > small" (according > to a quotation from Carl Sassenrath in the document > "shoebox" on the > REBOL Forces site). However, that compactness comes > with a price: > limits on features. REBOL is also far from the > highest in brute > performance of the scripting languages of my > acquaintance. > > Perl, on the other hand, is a mature, > high-performance language with > an incredibly rich feature set and even richer > standard library of > additional components. However, that richness comes > with a price: > the installation of Perl 5.6 on the Solaris box I'm > using today > weighs in at about 15 Mb. > > It is certainly legitimate to show a piece of code > that does a > specific thing that one finds useful and cite that > as a benefit > of the language. I do not think it is fair to take > one such > example and claim that another language that takes > more keystrokes > for the same result is "stupid". By that measure, > almost every > language (including REBOL) is "stupid" compared with > APL. > > I might add that I recently attended a meeting which > included a > presentation on Python; the presenter concluded with > a single > Python expression which, when evaluated, created an > ASCII-art > image of the Mandelbrot Set. Although the > expression was long > enough to line-wrap (multiple times! ;-) it was > still far more > compact than one would reasonably expect, and *way* > far more > compact than one could write in REBOL. > > I am neither advocating for nor against Perl or > REBOL here; my > oft-stated view is that languages are tools, each > with specific > capabilities and strengths (and weaknesses). I have > no time for > arguments regarding whether a handsaw is "better" or > "worse" than > a screwdriver. > > That said, I can play parlor games too! (To avoid > appearing to > contradict myself, let me point out that I don't > take this exercise > at all seriously...) > > SUPPOSE that I have a memo containing phone numbers. > I need to give > someone a copy of the memo, but need to blot out the > phone numbers, > in the best CIA tradition. ;-) Here's the memo: > > 8<---------- > Ms. Antoinette, > > I spoke with George Washington at 555-1212 about our > pending > contract. He referred me to Ben Franklin > (800-555-1111) of > their technical support department. Ben said that > they were > testing their latest release on WhizBangOS version > 17.3 as > we had requested, and that he would have our answer > tomorrow. > > Ben also said that their lead developer, Betsy Ross, > would > like to talk to you about the use of complex numbers > in the > SystemSleepFor function. You may call her office at > 123-4576, her cell phone at 987-6543, or page her at > 111-1111. > She is very eager to describe this new feature. > > Sincerely, > Thomas Paine > 8<---------- > > I can protect everybody's phone numbers from lurking > telemarketers > with the following one-liner in Perl: > > 8<---------- > # perl -p -e 's/\b(\d{3}-)?\d{3}-\d{4}/####/g' > memo.txt > Ms. Antoinette, > > I spoke with George Washington at #### about our > pending > contract. He referred me to Ben Franklin (####) of > their technical support department. Ben said that > they were > testing their latest release on WhizBangOS version > 17.3 as > we had requested, and that he would have our answer > tomorrow. > > Ben also said that their lead developer, Betsy Ross, > would > like to talk to you about the use of complex numbers > in the > SystemSleepFor function. You may call her office at > ####, her cell phone at ####, or page her at ####. > She is very eager to describe this new feature. > > Sincerely, > Thomas Paine > 8<---------- > > Anyone is welcome to propose a minimalist solution > in REBOL!
I haven't used parse much, but it seems like a fairly trivial application of it.