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[REBOL] Re: pdf-maker.r

From: brett:codeconscious at: 20-Apr-2002 0:11

Hi Louis, Here is another idea. I remember you were doing some receipts so this could be useful. I construct an object caled ctx-letter. Then I bind the page-template block to ctx-letter. What this means is that any words that are found in page-template that are also in ctx-letter take on the value given in ctx-letter. The rest of it is pretty much like my last post. page-template looks a bit complex but it is not. The stuff in the between the ( and ) will eventually just return a single string when compose has finished its work. REBOL [] do %pdf-maker.r letters: [ [to: "Louis" blurb: {I hope it helps!}] [to: "Gabrielle" blurb: {Thanks for pdf-maker!}] [to: "The Gang" blurb: {This has been most enlightening!}] ] page-template: [ textbox [ font Courier 4.4 as-is ( rejoin [ "To: " to newline "Date: " now/date newline newline blurb ] ) ] ] if exists? %pig.pdf [delete %pig.pdf] count: 0 pdf-document: copy [] foreach letter letters [ ctx-letter: context letter bind page-template in ctx-letter 'self page: compose/deep page-template append/only pdf-document page count: count + 1 ] write/binary %pig.pdf layout-pdf pdf-document browse %pig.pdf ask "Continue? " delete %pig.pdf Now it is time for my sleep :^) Brett.