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[REBOL] Mac OSX /View problem - solved.

From: gosbell::myrealbox::com at: 5-Mar-2004 8:56

As usual, I've stumbled across the solution to the "View won't run on Mac OSX" problem completely by accident - enable Open Transport and Shared Library extensions. For what it's worth, here's how to do it: Open System Preferences - Classic - Advanced Under Startup options select "Open Extensions Manager" then hit "Restart Classic" In the Mac OS9 Extensions Manager enable: Open Transport Shared Library Manager Shared Library Manager PPC Hit "Continue" and you've got yourself a REBOL-ready Classic environment. You'll probably want to go back to System Preferences and set Startup options back to "Turn off Extensions". I suppose if I were an "old-school" Mac addict (rather than an OSX latecomer) I would have spotted that straight away... Cheers, Trevor.