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[REBOL] Re: auto-update engine

From: sunandadh:aol at: 16-Feb-2003 4:05

> As Gabriele said, I've tackled this one, as has Volker. I haven't > taken the time to analyze Volker's algorithm in any depth, so I'll let > him speak to that if he wants. I implemented a DIFF system using the > well-known longest-common-subsequence (LCS) algorithm at its core. > It produces a block of commands that you DO against the original > version to create the new version. It all works, but has some things > I'd like to improve - which is why I haven't released it beyond a > couple IOS servers for feedback.
Thanks for the info. I guess it doesn't have to be fast for application distribution as it need only run once per release. But if you are aiming to compare (say) Word documents then speed will definitely help. Maybe a DIFF against two Rebol console memory dumps will finally settle the question of whether things are equal?, same?, identical?, equivalent?, distinct?, distinguishable?, comparable?, similar?, confusable? or dead-ringer? Sunanda.