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[REBOL] Bug in 'use? Re:(12)

From: lmecir:geocities at: 26-Jul-2000 21:41

Hi, Gabriele:
> >Then the BIND function is called to bind >
> Metaphorically speaking? I have never seen the bind function
called during
> the construction of a function. If you source func and function,
you will
> find that neither of these mezzanine functions call bind. They
both use
> make function! ... and I have no access to the code that is
executed when
> make function! is called.
You have never seen just because you didn't try. See the following: code-block: [ f: func [f-arg] [ g: func [g-arg] [ print [g-arg f-arg global-word] ] g "This is g's argument." ] ] do code-block f-body: second :f f-body-f-arg: probe second second fourth f-body f-body-template: fourth code-block bound-f-body-template: bind/copy f-body-template f-body-f-arg same? first bound-f-body-template first f-body same? second bound-f-body-template second f-body same? first third bound-f-body-template first third f-body same? first fourth bound-f-body-template first fourth f-body same? first second fourth bound-f-body-template first second fourth f-body same? second second fourth bound-f-body-template second second fourth f-body .... But: same? second second fourth f-body-template second second fourth f-body Ladislav