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[REBOL] fastcgi ports, fast page reload, timeout ...

From: petr::krenzelok::trz::cz at: 9-Jul-2001 22:53

Hi, I just today finished simple fastcgi script working with ODBC in FastCgiExternalServer mode. Everything seems to work fine, I can get complete contract info (huge one!) in 0.3 sec, but what really bothers me is once I press reload button really soon after I send request to the server, I get network error, telling me timeout occured. So I would like to ask why that happens? I use conn-port: first wait listen-port, and I am not using multiplexed port handling, so I get connected ... perform 3 queries on ODBC source .... retrieve data .... emit data to conn-port .... close conn-port ... Is there anything special occuring once browser sends reload request to server? Thanks, -pekr-