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[REBOL] Re: FAQ: How to return a block with evaluated value ?

From: greggirwin:mindspring at: 13-Dec-2001 11:53

Hi Pat! << I'm so addicted to rebol ! is it the same for everybody ? >> My name is Gregg, and I'm a...REBOL programmer. I thought I had things under control, and then I wrote this little piece of code that should have been really hard to write and debug...and it just worked.<sniff> I've been at it ever since. I can't even fire up another development tool without thinking about using REBOL. It's always there, in the back of my mind. I even try to get other people started on it. I don't think that makes me a bad person. I mean, it expands your mind in the most wonderful way, right? Besides, I could stop any time I want. I just don't want to. :) --Gregg