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[REBOL] Re: Parsing a "Brick Wall" - Need help!

From: webmaster:windsweptfarm at: 10-Sep-2002 20:43

Dear Scott, Thanks! Yes I read it when it came out. There seems to be so many subtle details to grasp before I can conceive of how to implement a program in Rebol. Like so many things that are unfamiliar it is easy to get caught up in a series of eddies that never make their way back to the main channel. I got caught in a few of those. I think I will concentrate on the small and finite problems until I have enough "bricks" to start building. Being a dyed in the wool do it yourselfer, I tend to struggle long and hard before I break down and ask for help. Many thanks to one and all for your generous and responsive assistance. Sincerely, Jim G. Scott Jones wrote: