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[REBOL] Re: How safe is catch []

From: SQLAB:gmx at: 25-Apr-2005 13:33

Hi Volker Volker Nitsch wrote:
>Just curious: can you throw something? not > if .. [thow] >
I am not sure, if I understand you. Do you mean "What will happen, if there is no throw, but something else?" ? The second throw in my application was never processed, it is there mostly for debug reasons as in: if all [ debug? if "y" <> ask "really delivering?" ] [throw] So I am pretty sure, it has to do with catch and maybe ODBC. I do not see this error, if my application is not doing some ODBC statements as well. The more ODBC opens and close I am doing, I can reproduce the error in around one week data, with just one open ODBC:// I have to process more than two weeks data. AR