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[REBOL] Re: Compression

From: depotcity:telus at: 17-Apr-2001 9:38

I find this a bit hard to swallow. 2,340 Gigabytes on one floppy? Pull that one off SUCCESSFULLY and I'll see you get the Nobel Prize. T Brownell ----- Original Message ----- From: "Paul Tretter" <[ptretter--charter--net]> To: "[Rebol-List--Rebol--Com]" <[rebol-list--rebol--com]> Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 9:14 AM Subject: [REBOL] Compression
> Coming soon! Image putting greater than 3600 CD's worth of data on a
floppy disk. Or take a Gigabyte worth of data and compress it to under 400bytes. I purchased /View/Pro and will most likely purchase runtime licenses once they are available for /View and begin distribution of NEW compression software depending on the licensing terms available. Imagine with 400 byes of compressed data (representing a gig or more) what this could mean to handheld devices like portable mp3 players or digital cameras. The capablity to store your entire mp3 collection in a portable device. I know your interested but you will have to wait a bit longer. Thanks to the guys in the IRC REBOL channel on EFNET for your help and cooperation (you know who you are).