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[REBOL] 2010 rebol or the year (roty) voting now open!

From: moliad::gmail at: 16-Dec-2010 22:58

Point of information. The roty 2010 vote will be held using roty-vote: func [ Candidate [string!] /local ballot-paper ][ random/seed now/precise ballot-paper: rejoin [lowercase candidate "-" random/secure 1e10] print ["your vote is:" mold ballot-paper] print ["your confirmation code is:" checksum/secure to-binary ballot-paper] ] and sending the printed results of roty-vote "some lucky nominee" in a message on Altme REBOL3 world, to user btiffin and repeated to Maxim if you aren't on Altme, you may also vote via email by sending a (private) mail to both of us: Please add [roty] somewhere in the subject to help us identify votes and make a rule so the mails don't go to spam! ;-) Also please don't vote multiple times via the different voting channels. The hard choice comes from the nominee list of Robert Muench Nenad Rakocevic Nick Antonaccio Henrik Kristensen Sunanda Brian Hawley Congratulations to all in that respectable list. Vote results, one per participant, will be accepted until the roll over to 2011, Greenwich Mean Time.