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[REBOL] Re: link to background on Rebol language design?

From: greggirwin:mindspring at: 18-Aug-2003 10:48

Hi Bryan, b> Hi, I'm wondering if anyone has a link to anything going into Rebol's b> design as a language, the only thing I can remember seeing were a couple b> articles in Dr. Dobbs a few years back which unfortunately I can't seem b> to find online. b> I'm interested in stuff focusing on language theories and their b> relationship to Rebol's design. Not anything talking about how easy it b> is to send an email. There was some mention of it in the MIT Lightweight Languages workshop (don't have a URL handy though) and there were some old notes on REBOLForces, but I don't recall too much about theoretical aspects of the language design. REBOL draws a lot of inspiration from Lisp, Forth, and Logo. I think Carl has said that his study of denotational semantics played a big part as well. --Gregg -- Gregg