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[REBOL] Re: help from Dixon or others about port

From: lmecir:mbox:vol:cz at: 7-Sep-2001 10:03

Hi Romano,
> I've found in rem42.r this line of code: > > l: open tcp://: out: open join tcp://localhost: l/port-id wait l in:
first l
> I do not understand the last command: > > in: first l > > and why does it make a wait before? > > The command "first port" doesn't give the data in input? > Why here does it give a pointer to port? > > --- > Ciao (my english is bad) > Romano >
1) The L port opened with (open tcp://:) is a listen (or server) port. Its function is to provide ports to clients that are trying to connect. To be able to speak to the specific client you must get a port to that client from the listen port. 2) The Out port is a client port trying to connect to the server. 3) The In port is a port that the server- (or listen-) port provides as a reaction to the client attempt to connect. Wait is there, because the server must establish the connection to the client before it can provide a port. HTH