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[REBOL] Re: Passing a cookie back to the server

From: gchiu:compkarori at: 10-Jun-2001 23:34

On Sun, 10 Jun 2001 05:35:04 -0500 "GS Jones" <[gjones05--mail--orion--org]> wrote:
> OK, so I guess it is more like what a "kind" medical > school prof once told me. > He said that I had three neurons in my brain, and that > one was syphilitic, the
That's a coincidence. I had the same education. Though I doubt any of my lecturers would have been so "kind" to our faces :-). Ours was an experimental syllabus, and in our first year, we were taught Fortran for a semester. I guess they wanted some of us to become medical computer scientists!
> I guess that progress sometimes comes at a cost. It was > like I "AR" and I were > talking about last week, sometimes a simple recursive > directory listing in FTP > would be nice. The advanced functionality offered by the > current FTP scheme > means that one has to write a routine to get a simple > listing. I am not > gripping; all in all I get more work done in REBOL than > any other language.
I'm not so sure about this cost and wonder if better factoring would eliminate these problems.
> apps could be run until they were recoded. Ultimately, > they split the > partnership with IBM going to OS2 and Microsoft going to > NT and gentle updating > of MS-DOS/Windows. I think we know who won that war.
I recall this differently. I read that Microsoft learnt a lot about writing an operating system from IBM during this period, and at the same time screwed IBM so that OS/2 was stuck into a 286 archictecture.
> Clean breaks with the past can allow one to indulge in a > totally new vision of > how the world should work. The new vision presented by > REBOL makes cookies seem > rather anachronistic. A REBOL reb, by design, can allow > for intelligent > statefulness, as opposed to the stateless HTTP request
Except of course that the WWReb comes a couple of years after Rebol, and we are still stateless unless running Rebol/Express.
> bit as Dr. Frankenstein, non-ace hacker, it seems as > though cookies could be > readily integrated into the existing framework.
I think it just requires the nod from the architect :-)
> (By the way, I assumed that they were "digestive > biscuits" in NZ?? Here is where > the first-class semantic mapping puts REBOL ahead of the > curve: > digestive-biscuits: :cookies ;-).
Just plain "biscuits". -- Graham Chiu