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[REBOL] Re: Rebol and New Hybrid Software Model

From: chd:1staccess:ca at: 15-Sep-2007 10:58

>> New Hybrid Software Model
Perhaps R3 should go this direction? Open source has changed everything and all languages are competing with the likes of PHP and javascript, java et al. I hate talking to my ISP cause I know that as soon as I mention REBOL on their servers, their eyes roll back into their collect heads. I feel I can't use REBOL if there are these issues to overcome. I don't know how you get around this prejudice on a wide spread basis. When I mention to people to have a look at REBOL and explain my enthusiasm for it, the first words out of their mouths is "Is it open-source?" There are some fundamental perception problems with REBOL and it is carrying a lot of baggage, mostly undeserved. How you change this...I don't know. ~chris