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[REBOL] Re: zip file support wanted - help needed

From: rgombert:essentiel at: 15-Mar-2001 7:41

I have to agree with Petr... at least we nead ability to launch external application or documents (with their default "viewer"). Adding shell and library to /Core would be great, but in fact we have to consider that /Core and /Command are not realeased for the same number of OS, mainly because of the library and DB functionality i gess. I can understand that... but would it be so much work to add only the shell support to Core ? I think it's a verry important feature requiered by most users, and it is provided by other scripting languages. Rebol is a realy great language, i would like to see its bright success... maybe i'm wrong, but i feel that discading shell acces is not a good point to achive such a success. Renaud