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From: cyphre:volny:cz at: 3-Oct-2001 15:17

----- Original Message ----- From: <[holger--rebol--com]> To: <[rebol-list--rebol--com]> Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2001 4:03 PM Subject: [REBOL] Re: P2P Q&A
> We will have to see. Technically, there is not much of a problem. The > internal View engine handles dynamic data better than any other > graphical compositing system I have ever seen. The timer limitations in > the current version really only exist because that part of View was > written before we rewrote the event system for Core 2.3, but we should > be able to allow 1 ms granularity in faces fairly soon. Of course > whether the CPU can handle it everywhere is a different issue :-). >
Hi Holger and all, Good news ;-) It is very frustrating when your View code is slowing down by timer instead of CPU... View engine is really great but we are still missing some features which would enhance power of View in a great way.(Maybe I'm wrong but it wouldn't be so difficult for RT crew to implement some of them in the next release) Some time ago I posted on /Express developers conference little enhancement list(reflecting View programming exeprience from some developers and myself) but without any response from RT so here it is again: -possibility of creating/changing events -recursive filtering of events(recursive removing time-event-based functions...) -better mouse handling (show/hide/change mouse pointer, fixed OVER event) -event sensing when face moved -native face collision support -alpha channel and convolve funcitons available at developer's level -more complex working of effect pipeline (alowing any combination of fx commands) -improved(crash when drawing outside of bounds, "circle" bug...) and enhanced(size of lines, filled-patterns, elipse, anti-aliasing..., circle gradients) DRAW dialect -native rotation of face's content in any angle -at least simple font engine (for equal visualisation on multiple platforms) Would be at least some of this points solved in near future? I would appreciate your(Holger?Anyone?) comments... Regards Cyphre