[REBOL] Re: comments for beginner ugly code ;-)
From: sags:apollo:lv at: 15-Mar-2005 11:18
Thanks Anton! On 15 Mar 2005 at 0:33, Anton Rolls wrote: >It doesn't look so
much like beginner code. :) I started to code from end of eighties, but
neverdid it as proffesional - no diploma either. Thinking about it. >But I
have one thing to point out. Look at this >console session: >> f: func
[var][rez: [] append rez var rez] > f 2 > ;== [2] >... >You can
seethis potential problem in procArtFile. >Should do a COPY: >> rez:
copy [] Aha its clear - so Rebol fynction values remains outside functions?
> next next next artText  ==>  skip artText 3  ==> 
at artText 4 Actualy this was a bit my lazines >There are lots of places in
the code where you can optimize >in the above way. All those REPEND RESULT
are repetitive and it's >usually more convenient to put everything to be
repended into a block >and repend that just once, eg: >> repend result
[>  blah >  blah >  blah > ] >It is o'k.
Now my code is more viewable. And then I can't use "if" because it returns
none, but of course I use either, that in else case returns "". >JOIN will
keep the type of its first argument, so as underDir is >already a file!,
there is no need to convert it backwards and >forwards. This should be just
as good: >> join underDir [fileName2 chapter-info] >>You should also be
able to do this: >> underDir/:fileName2/:chapter-info Very shortly and
fine. >Sorry I haven't commented on the overriding aspects of your code