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[REBOL] Re: About Parsing

From: brett:codeconscious at: 17-Jul-2001 13:23

Hi Rondon, Response below.
> The problem is that I need to check specific labels. The Brett solve the > problem, but I'm converting some labels to other patterns of metadata, so
> need to read the correct labels. I mean: Title, Author, Id, Subject,
> Abstract, etc. The labels are variant. They are not static. They are not
> sequence. > I'd like just to check if the file has a label type, so print it. that's
it. I'm confused as to what you want. I'm also confused as to the pattern of the data. Your example showed a file with bibliographic records - all related to one book I guess. But I'll assume you have multiple books in the file. Checking for specific labels: What is it the text that you need to check for - the label name "Author" or the label value "Kann, James"? Here is some example code to consider. file: {Id: 27698 Author: Kann, James Title: Crossroads of Life Abstract: This book talks about the hard ways of life. Source: State Public Library Holdings: AGE 12308082 Id: 12345 Author: Handley, Brett Title: Uncertainty in my mind's I :) Source: Brett's home collection } ; ----- start of example search-for-labels: func [ "Searches the data file for specific labels." data-file label-types [block!] ] [ parse/all data-file [ any [ copy label to ":" skip any " " copy data to "^/" skip (if find label-types label [print [join label ":" data]]) ] end ] ] search-for-labels file ["Title" "Author"] Brett.