[REBOL] Re: Running REBOL on HostGator...
From: carl:cybercraft at: 29-Sep-2010 20:51
On Wednesday, 29-September-2010 at 11:21:38 =?iso-8859-9?B?3mVtc2VkZGluIE1vbGRpYmk=?=
>Hi, thanks for the information.
>I'm using Rebol on Hostgator for testing. Here is a running example:
That's working for me. Did you need to change anything for the .r extension to work?
>-Carl: Could you post these explanations to rebolforum as well.
I'm unsure if I've an account at rebolforum, but the post is showing up here...
so you could post a link to that if you want.
-- Carl Read.