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[REBOL] Where can I get documentation for the in-built functions of REBOL

From: gunjan:ezeenet at: 11-Jan-2001 21:29

Hi Gurus, Where can I get more documentation for the in-built functions of REBOL, specially functions like parse-xml etc. These functions add a lot of power to Rebol but because of lack of information, newbies like me will always need a very co-operative maillist (like this one... Elan saved hours of my sleep with his URL-parser object and a pointer to net-util functions... thanks Elan) or tons of luck (so that I commit a spelling mistake while typing help and then discover something which I had been needing since ages... actually parse-xml was one such accident...). If there is any material or book or stuff that I can read that'll introduce me to all these then kindly inform. (And yes, I HAVE read the user manuals, both the html and the pdf ones and the user guide for REBOL/VIEW and some general websites and source codes available on the net) Gunjan ----------------------------------------- Gunjan Karun Technical Presales Consultant Zycus, Mumbai, India Tel: +91-22-8730591/8760625/8717251 Extension: 120 Fax: +91-22-8717251 URL: