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[REBOL] Re: can't quite get it right...

From: greggirwin:starband at: 6-Sep-2001 22:15

Hi Ryan, I'm not sure if you wanted to replace upper or lower chars with the charset. I'm a newbie and, to me, your code was doing the reverse of what your text said.'s a solution which, hopefully, is better than no solution. Maybe a real REBOL will show us both a better way. is-upper-char: func [ch[char!]][ either all [(ch >= #"A") (ch <= #"Z")] [return true] [return false] ] upper-lower-char-repl: func [s[string!] /local new-s up-ch][ new-s: make string! length? s foreach ch s [ up-ch: uppercase copy to-string ch either is-upper-char ch [append new-s ch] [append new-s rejoin [{[} up-ch ch {]}]] ] return new-s ] upper-lower-char-repl "ABC" upper-lower-char-repl "abc" --Gregg