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[REBOL] Re: Regarding /command and -w switch in win2K.

From: brian:hawley at: 1-May-2001 11:31

Hi Terry, I rearranged things to show the threads of conversation... Terry Brownell wrote:
>Brian Hawley wrote: > > TBrownell wrote: > > >With win2K, if you create a shortcut to reb/command like so... > > > > > >c:\rebol.exe -w > > > > > >The only way to kill it is by rebooting? > > > > You can kill a process from the Processes page of the > > Windows Task Manager. > >Firstly, there is no process to kill with the -w switch.
Sure there is. Processes show up on the Processes page. In WinNT/2k, processes don't show up on the Applications page unless they have a non-hidden window that shows up on the task bar, but they still show up on the Processes page. You can kill them from there with the "End Process" button. Alas, I don't recall how to kill processes from the command line on NT or 2k, just from Task Manager. Oh well...
> > >Is there anyway to have a command script run in the background, > > >call a view script and... > > > > Can your task be done with /View/Pro? It would be simpler... > >Next, View doesn't have a runtime yet, so?
It was a reasonable question. I thought you were going to say database support, but I forgot about the runtime. Does your app need database support or are you using the runtime as a cost-saving measure? I'm just curious - we may have the same problems here at my job. As for your problem, perhaps the /Command script can call the /View script through the Windows start command. There may be some combination of the /wait refinement to both the call function and the start command that might work. When the /View program exits, the call will return and the /Command script can continue. If you try this, please tell me if it works... Beyond that, I can only suggest that the /Command script be a server program and the /View script be the client. That's the general approach we use here, at least when we need functions that aren't in /Core, /View, or their /Pro equivalents. Brian Hawley