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[REBOL] Re: Altme: how to find groups

From: ishtahara:yah:oo at: 18-Jun-2003 8:52

I am not swayed to AltMe, but let me explain. I think AltMe wins for private messaging, or if you want interactivity and presence awareness. But standard email client supports richer features and infrastructure. IMO REBOL community should not migrate to closed door environment such as IOS or Altme. A healthy community is visible and very active. REBOL community is already eclectic bunch :^) Count the tributaries of Amiga, Scheme, FORTH, maybe Postscript -- it's maybe enough to fill a good-sized beer hall ;^) AltMe is good for REBOL too. Its success as a commercial app can point the way for others. But REBOLs lifeblood is the group of talented and devoted users that share knowledge in an open forum. ~Daril