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[REBOL] Re: Simple XML

From: maximo:meteorstudios at: 9-Mar-2004 16:46

A: {<root><person><name><fname>Bob</fname><lname>Smith</lname></name></person></root>} B: parse-xml a probe B == [document none [["root" none [["person" none [["name" none [["fname" none ["Bob"]] ["lname" none ["Smith"]]]]]]]]]] of course beware of line feeds... I wonder what those extra block nestings are for !? if you put the original code with linefeeds and pre and post spaces, you get labels before each block which equate to that spacing with the linefeeds !? I don't get how that can be of any use... can someone explain? -MAx --- You can either be part of the problem or part of the solution, but in the end, being part of the problem is much more fun.