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[REBOL] Re: <rant> Re: Giving up Rebol?/binary skip

From: greggirwin:mindspring at: 11-Dec-2002 15:50

Hi Pat, p> My point was about respect. R*E*S*P*E*C*T . p> And I am certainly not willing to pay anything to be respected. p> I think Carl response was disrespectful. That's all. p> But maybe it's a *cultural* thing. I don't know Carl personally, but he seems like a nice enough guy. I didn't read any disrespect in his response, and I'm 99.9% sure he didn't intend any. He would have to be stupid to openly alienate people in this forum, and we all know he's about as far from stupid as you can get. :) If anything, he's pressed for time and trying hard to make his presence known here, which we all appreciate; maybe that led to some wording that was misinterpreted. He's said in the past that email is the worst way to reach them, so I think he was just trying to make clear that direct email is not a valid support channel to help explain why you may not have gotten a response from them. I think RT values us quite a bit, even when they disagree with us. :) -- Gregg